Release: 2024/06/20 17:58 Reading: 447
Solciety, a prominent player in the PolitiFi meme currency market, has raised over $300,000 in the first 48 hours of its presale, which began on June 18th.
Scheduled to run for 30 days, the presale will conclude on July 18th. Solciety aims to leverage the popularity of PolitiFi tokens during the US election year by appealing to a broad audience through its unique branding as a "political party for degens."
Of its 10 billion total supply, 3 billion Solciety tokens are currently available for purchase during this month-long presale event before being listed on public exchanges.
透過智能合約,預售期間價格每 72 小時定期上漲,讓早期支持者有機會以較低價格購買代幣。
在第一階段,購買者可以 0.0015 美元的價格購買代幣。然而,預售結束時,價格預計將漲至 0.0040 美元,對於早期參與者而言,這將帶來顯著的 169% 漲幅。
Solciety 結合了 SOL 迷因幣和 PolitiFi 的特性,這兩者在當前加密貨幣市場中均展現出強勁的表現。其計畫中的基本元素是 Meme Campaigner,這是一個透過利用展示了像 Donald Pump、Badimir Putin 和 Kim Wrong Un 等人物的政治主題迷因,推進其病毒式成功的工具。
為了鼓勵內容的產生,總供應量為 10 億枚的 SLCTY 代幣中,有 10% 預留給產生大量內容的迷因製作人作為獎勵。
Solciety 吸引了 ALTCOIN-BEAR、The PEPE ARMY、ShibArmy1000x 和 BscGems1000x 等知名加密貨幣影響者的關注,他們的總追隨人數超過 835,000。這份智慧合約安全性高,可確保新手交易員和經驗豐富的投機者都能放心投資。
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