リリース: 2024/05/25 06:19 読む: 378
Coinbase's long-pending Dogecoin sweepstakes case has shifted from the Supreme Court to the district court. In 2021, Coinbase introduced the Dogecoin (DOGE) Sweepstakes promotional event, which included conflicting clauses regarding dispute resolution.
コインベースのドージコイン懸賞事件、仲裁介入のさなか地方裁判所へ移送。仮想通貨取引所はユーザーに報酬を与えるため、2021年にドージコイン懸賞プロモーションイベントを導入した。最高裁判所の訴訟からの離脱と、ドージコインミームの背後にある象徴的な犬、カボスの死がコイン価格に影響を与えている.コインベースの長年係争中のドージコイン懸賞訴訟は最高裁判所から地方裁判所に移った。 2021年、CoinbaseはDogecoin(DOGE)懸賞プロモーションイベントを導入しましたが、これには紛争解決に関して矛盾する条項が含まれていました。
Why Supreme Court Snatch Hands From the Coinbase Dogecoin Sweepstakes Case?
On May 23, the US Supreme Court withdrew from the Dogecoin sweepstakes case due to arbitration involvement. Bloomberg Law reported the Supreme Court's decision on the case over X (formerly Twitter).
DOGE, a significant player in the memecoin market, was trading at $0.1617, experiencing a 2.64% downturn in a day, with a market cap of $23,353,923,164.
The US Supreme Court ruled against crypto exchange Coinbase over a 2021 Dogecoin sweepstakes. https://t.co/yme3S8VGsM— Bloomberg Law (@BLaw) May 24, 2024
米国最高裁判所は、2021年のドージコイン懸賞をめぐり、仮想通貨取引所コインベースに対して不利な判決を下した。 https://t.co/yme3S8VGsM — ブルームバーグ法 (@BLaw) 2024 年 5 月 24 日
The court directed district courts to settle the case as Coinbase preferred arbitrators, while users favored court intervention. According to legislation, US courts cannot handle cases involving arbitration clauses alone.
Coinbase Dogecoin Sweepstakes Case
Coinbase Dogecoin 懸賞事件
The case originated in June 2021 when Coinbase introduced its Dogecoin sweepstakes system to reward users. The exchange also announced the news on X.
It’s raining DOGE! Dogecoin is now on Coinbase and we’re giving away $1.2 million in DOGE to celebrate. Opt in and then buy or sell $100 in DOGE on Coinbase by 06/10/2021 for your chance to win. Limit one entry per person. Details here https://t.co/RU52JrTiqd— Coinbase
(@coinbase) June 3, 2021
Under the system, participants who bought and sold $100 in DOGE on Coinbase during a specific period would receive rewards. Different prizes were set for different winners, with the top player receiving $300K in DOGE, the top 10 winners getting $30K in DOGE, and so on.
このシステムでは、特定の期間中に Coinbase で 100 ドルの DOGE を売買した参加者が報酬を受け取ります。優勝者ごとに異なる賞品が設定され、トッププレイヤーには DOGE で 30 万ドル、上位 10 人の優勝者には DOGE で 30,000 ドルが与えられました。
After several user allegations that Coinbase misled them into paying to participate in the sweepstakes, a class-action lawsuit was filed against the exchange. Users claimed that the exchange charged a fee even though there was an option to participate for free.
Coinbase argued that the users had agreed to resolve all disputes through arbitration. However, a Federal judge in California denied Coinbase's request, despite acknowledging the arbitration clause in the exchange's user agreement.
DOGE Reacts
DOGE の反応
The combination of the Coinbase Dogecoin sweepstakes case and the death of Kabosu, the dog behind the Dogecoin meme at the age of 18, has impacted DOGE's price. DOGE dropped from $0.1672 on May 23 to $0.1617 at press time, showing a 2.34% decline in a day.
Coinbase Dogecoinの懸賞事件と、Dogecoinミームの背後にいる犬、カボスの18歳での死の組み合わせが、DOGEの価格に影響を与えました。 DOGEは5月23日の0.1672ドルから本記事執筆時点では0.1617ドルまで下落し、1日で2.34%の下落を示した。
DOGE price I Source: CoinMarketCap
DOGE 価格 I 出典: CoinMarketCap
Kabosu, who inspired the viral Doge meme, brought tears to the DOGE community's eyes and countless well wishes on X for Kabosu's soul.
バイラルな Doge ミームにインスピレーションを与えた Kabosu は、DOGE コミュニティの目に涙をもたらし、X には数え切れないほどの Kabosu の魂の冥福を祈りました。
Sumit Gupta, the co-founder of CoinDCX, stated that DOGE had a significant impact on people's lives. He added that it introduced millions of people to the world of crypto in a fun and engaging way.
CoinDCXの共同創設者であるSumit Gupta氏は、DOGEは人々の生活に大きな影響を与えたと述べた。同氏は、楽しく魅力的な方法で何百万人もの人々に暗号通貨の世界を紹介したと付け加えた。