リリース: 2024/07/25 22:04 読む: 876
Cryptocurrency Seen as Growth Engine by US Investors
A recent survey by Kraken exchange polled 2,191 Americans over 18 to gauge their sentiments on crypto investing. The objective was to determine the prevalence of ongoing crypto investments and preferred cryptocurrencies.
Overwhelming Majority Plan to Invest in Crypto in 2025
A substantial 73% of US crypto enthusiasts plan to maintain their investments through 2025. Approximately 45% expressed strong commitment to continuing their crypto ventures, while 29% indicated a "somewhat likely" stance.
Higher household incomes correlated with higher interest in crypto investments. Individuals with incomes between $175,000 and $200,000 displayed a remarkable 82% likelihood of engaging in crypto investments in 2025.
世帯収入の増加は、暗号通貨投資への関心の高さと相関していました。収入が 175,000 ドルから 200,000 ドルの間の個人は、2025 年に仮想通貨投資に参加する可能性が 82% という驚くべき値を示しました。
Crypto Perceived as Outperforming Traditional Investments
36% of respondents believe that cryptocurrency offers greater growth potential compared to conventional investments such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. In contrast, 34% recognize the potential of stocks, followed by 13% for bonds and 17% for real estate.
回答者の 36% は、株式、債券、不動産などの従来の投資と比較して、仮想通貨には大きな成長の可能性があると考えています。対照的に、34% が株式の可能性を認識しており、次いで債券が 13%、不動産が 17% となっています。
Established Cryptocurrencies Favored
While crypto is seen as having higher potential, the type of investment matters. 70% of respondents prefer established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) over memecoins like Dogecoin (DOGE), which garnered only 12% support. Emerging coins like Solana (SOL) attracted 17% interest.
暗号通貨はより高い可能性を秘めていると考えられていますが、投資の種類が重要です。回答者の 70% は、ドージコイン (DOGE) のようなミームコインよりも、ビットコイン (BTC) のような確立された暗号通貨を好みますが、支持は 12% のみでした。ソラナ (SOL) のような新興コインは 17% の関心を集めました。
The survey highlights a shift towards stability, with investors valuing coins with a long history and larger market capitalization. These coins are often regarded as more secure, indicating a maturing cryptocurrency investment landscape.