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The Never-Ending Cycle: How Cryptocurrency Whales Make Money

終わりのないサイクル: 仮想通貨クジラはどのようにしてお金を稼ぐのか

リリース: 2024/07/10 20:00 読む: 851

終わりのないサイクル: 仮想通貨クジラはどのようにしてお金を稼ぐのか

Cryptocurrency Whale Cycle: How Elite Investors Manipulate Markets

暗号通貨のクジラサイクル: エリート投資家はどのように市場を操作するか

Cryptocurrency markets are renowned for their extreme volatility, where prices can soar or plunge seemingly without reason. However, a closer inspection reveals that much of this volatility is orchestrated by a small group of elite investors known as "whales."


These whales, who hold significant amounts of a particular cryptocurrency, engage in a cyclical pattern that allows them to maximize their profits. Here's how whales operate within these cycles:


The Whale Cycle




  • Whales acquire large quantities of a cryptocurrency, driving up its price.
  • They create excitement and further inflate the price through strategic purchases and positive news.



  • When the price reaches a desirable level, whales gradually sell their holdings.
  • FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) attracts other investors, further driving up the price. Whales take advantage by selling into this surge.



  • After selling a significant portion, whales flood the market with a large amount of cryptocurrency.
  • This oversupply triggers a sharp price drop, creating a dramatic shift in the market.



  • Once prices have plunged, whales buy back at lower prices, accumulating assets at a bargain.
  • This renewed buying stabilizes the market and sets the stage for the next cycle.

Historical Analysis




  • 2017 Pump: Bitcoin surged from $1,000 to nearly $20,000.
  • 2017-2018 Sell: Whales sold off, capitalizing on high prices and inexperienced investors.
  • 2018 Dump: A rapid sell-off caused a decline below $6,000.
  • 2018-2019 Buy: Whales bought back at lower prices.


2017 ポンプ: ビットコインは 1,000 ドルから 20,000 ドル近くまで急上昇しました。2017-2018 売り: 高価格と経験の浅い投資家を利用してクジラが売られました。2018 ダンプ: 急速な売りにより 6,000 ドルを下回る下落を引き起こしました。2018-2019 買い: クジラが安値で買い戻されました。イーサリアム

  • 2020-2021 Pump: Driven by DeFi and NFTs, Ethereum's price rose from $200 to over $4,000.
  • Mid-2021 Sell: Whales sold off, locking in profits.
  • Late 2021 Dump: A sell-off caused a sharp decline below $2,000.
  • 2021-2022 Buy: Whales accumulated Ethereum again at lower prices.

Dogecoin (DOGE)

2020年から2021年 ポンプ:DeFiとNFTに牽引され、イーサリアムの価格は200ドルから4,000ドル以上に上昇しました。2021年半ば売り:クジラが売却され、利益を固定しました。2021年後半ダンプ:売りにより2,000ドルを下回る急激な下落を引き起こしました。2021年から2022年買い: クジラはイーサリアムを再び低価格で蓄積しました。ドージコイン (DOGE)

  • 2021 Pump: Hype and celebrity endorsements drove DOGE's price up.
  • Mid-2021 Sell: Whales sold off at peak prices.
  • Mid-2021 Dump: DOGE's price plummeted, falling below $0.20.
  • Late 2021 Buy: Whales bought back at lower prices.

Impact on Retail Investors

2021 年のポンプ: 誇大宣伝と有名人の支持により DOGE の価格が上昇。2021 年半ばの売り: クジラがピーク価格で売却された。2021 年半ばのダンピング: DOGE の価格が急落し、0.20 ドルを下回った。2021 年後半の買い: クジラが低価格で買い戻された。個人投資家

Retail investors often fall victim to whale activities, buying at inflated prices and selling at the bottom. This cycle is fueled by FOMO and the deceptive sense of security that whales create before dumping.


Navigating the Whale Cycle


  • Stay Informed: Monitor market news and whale activities.
  • Set Limits: Use stop-loss and take-profit orders to protect investments.
  • Diversify: Spread investments across multiple assets to reduce risks.
  • Patience: Avoid impulsive decisions based on short-term market movements.


常に最新情報を入手: 市場ニュースとクジラの活動を監視します。リミットを設定: ストップロス注文と利益確定注文を使用して投資を保護します。分散化: 投資を複数の資産に分散してリスクを軽減します。忍耐力: 短期的な市場の動きに基づいて衝動的な決定を避けます。結論

Whales significantly influence cryptocurrency markets through their cyclical actions. By understanding their patterns, investors can make informed decisions and navigate market fluctuations. Historical analysis provides insights into how whales drive market dynamics, helping investors prepare for future trends.



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  • ペペコインの価格予測
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