リリース: 2024/07/09 00:00 読む: 270
Venezuelan Migrants Embracing Dogecoin for Cost-Effective Remittances
Venezuelan migrants are increasingly utilizing Dogecoin (DOGE) for remittances due to its low transaction fees. In 2023, cryptocurrency remittances accounted for 9% of Venezuela's $5 billion in foreign remittances.
ベネズエラ移民は、取引手数料が低いため、送金にドージコイン(DOGE)を利用することが増えています。 2023年、仮想通貨送金はベネズエラの海外送金50億ドルのうち9%を占めた。
Despite fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market, DOGE has gained traction for its practical utility in financial transactions. According to a Bloomberg report, Venezuelan migrants are leveraging DOGE's low fees to transfer funds back home.
仮想通貨市場の変動にもかかわらず、DOGE は金融取引における実用性で注目を集めています。ブルームバーグの報道によると、ベネズエラ移民はDOGEの低料金を利用して資金を本国に送金しているという。
Manuel Orozco, Director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program, highlighted the surge in Venezuelan migrants utilizing remittances, estimating a 50-60% increase. He noted the challenges faced by migrants in sending money through traditional methods.
As an example, Orozco mentioned Paola Moncrief, a Venezuelan who relocated to Texas in 2018. Faced with the need for an affordable remittance option, she turned to DOGE.
This development demonstrates the transformative potential of cryptocurrencies in addressing remittance needs, particularly among populations facing economic and financial constraints.