リリース: 2024/08/26 18:39 読む: 774
The arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov by French authorities has sparked controversy within the crypto industry. Industry leaders are calling for Durov's release, expressing concerns about the implications for digital freedom.
Telegram創設者のPavel Durov氏がフランス当局に逮捕されたことは、仮想通貨業界内で論争を引き起こした。業界リーダーらはデジタルの自由への影響に懸念を表明し、ドゥロフ氏の釈放を求めている。
Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, emphasized the importance of open source software and formal verification of security to protect digital freedom. He criticized Telegram's past encryption practices, but sees Durov's arrest as a threat to software and communication freedom in Europe.
Justin Sun, founder of TRON, proposed the creation of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) to support Durov's legal defense. He pledged $1 million to the initiative, calling for the crypto community to unite under the #FreePavel banner.
Privacy advocate Edward Snowden condemned Durov's arrest as an infringement on fundamental human rights. He criticized French President Emmanuel Macron's use of coercive measures to access private communications.
Elon Musk, founder of X, supported Durov by tweeting #FreePavel and questioning the lack of scrutiny for other tech leaders like Meta's Mark Zuckerberg.
The arrest of Pavel Durov has sparked broader debates about digital freedom and privacy. The #FreePavel campaign demonstrates the solidarity within the crypto community against perceived threats to fundamental freedoms.
パベル・ドゥロフ氏の逮捕は、デジタルの自由とプライバシーに関する幅広い議論を引き起こした。 #FreePavel キャンペーンは、基本的な自由に対する脅威とみなされるものに対する仮想通貨コミュニティ内の団結を示しています。