リリース: 2024/01/27 05:54 読む: 724
1 ペペの価格は主要な移動平均線を下回って取引されており、日足チャートでは弱気を示しています。
2 PEPE 暗号通貨は弱気派の優勢にあることが、価格動向とテクニカルで確認されています。
3 PEPE の価格は先月 20.07% 下落しました。
Pepe (PEPE) price is down by 20% over the past 30 days, whereas according to the price action, the Pepe price continues to move under the sellers’ influence. Bears are trying to pull PEPE crypto prices toward the lower price range. PEPE must attract buyers in order to surge toward the upper trendline. Investors in PEPE crypto need to wait for any directional change over the daily time frame chart.
ペペ (PEPE) の価格は過去 30 日間で 20% 下落しましたが、値動きによると、ペペの価格は売り手の影響を受けて動き続けています。弱気派はPEPE仮想通貨の価格をより低い価格帯に引き下げようとしている。 PEPEが上部トレンドラインに向かって急上昇するには、買い手を引き付ける必要があります。 PEPE暗号通貨への投資家は、日次時間枠チャートの方向性の変化を待つ必要があります。
PEPE price prediction shows the drop of Pepe crypto price from the higher level over the daily time frame chart. Pepe crypto needs to lure buyers in order to reach the recovery level. However, trading volume has been low and needs to increase for the PEPE crypto price to maintain at a higher level.
Meanwhile, Pepe crypto is trying to break above 20, 50, 100, and 200-day Daily Moving Average. PEPE price has lost 20.07% in a month and 7.96% in the last three months. Furthermore, the Pepe price has fallen around 20.74% in the last six months and has lost 17.44% year to date. This confirms the facts regarding Pepe crypto’s bearishness in upcoming sessions.
一方、ペペ暗号通貨は、20日、50日、100日、200日の日次移動平均を突破しようとしています。 PEPEの価格は1か月で20.07%下落し、過去3か月では7.96%下落した。さらに、ペペの価格は過去6か月で約20.74%下落し、年初からでは17.44%下落した。これは、今後のセッションでペペ暗号通貨が弱気であるという事実を裏付けています。
出典: PEPE.1D.USD by TradingView
If the price can keep this level, the PEPE crypto could continue to go up and reach the first and second targets of $0.00000145879 and $0.00000168608. However, if the Pepe price cannot maintain this level and falls, then it might hit the closest support levels of $0.00000100502 and $0.00000061542.
At the time of publishing, PEPE crypto (USD: Pepe) is trading below the 50 and 200-Day DMAs (Daily moving averages), which do not support the price trend.
However, if more selling volume adds up then the price might conquer supporting SMA’s by making lower highs and lows. Hence, the Pepe price is expected to move downwards, giving bearish views over the daily time frame chart.
Technical indicators suggest the downtrend momentum of the Pepe crypto. The relative strength index showcases the downtrend momentum of PEPE. RSI was at 40 and is heading towards the neutral to be oversold.
テクニカル指標は、ペペ暗号通貨の下降トレンドの勢いを示唆しています。相対強度指数は、PEPE の下降トレンドの勢いを示します。 RSIは40で、売られ過ぎのニュートラルな方向に向かっている。
MACD exhibits the downside trend of Pepe crypto price. The MACD line is under the signal line behind a negative crossover. Investors in Pepe crypto need to wait for any directional change over the daily time frame chart.
MACD は Pepe 仮想通貨価格の下降傾向を示しています。 MACD ラインは、負のクロスオーバーの後ろのシグナルラインの下にあります。 Pepe 暗号通貨への投資家は、日足チャートの方向性の変化を待つ必要があります。
The daily time frame chart of the PEPE cryptocurrency shows a dropping trend according to the Pepe price projection from the upper level. For Pepe cryptocurrency to rebound and reach the upper levels, it must draw more buyers. Moreover, the price of PEPE has decreased by almost 20% over the past months. Technical indications point to the price of Pepe cryptocurrency being in a downturn. Investors in injective cryptocurrency must watch the daily time frame chart for any directional changes.
Support Levels: $0.00000100502 and $0.00000061542.
サポート レベル: $0.00000100502 および $0.00000061542。
Resistance Levels: $0.00000145879 and $0.00000168608.
抵抗レベル: $0.00000145879 および $0.00000168608。
This article is for informational purposes only and does not provide any financial, investment, or other advice. The author or any people mentioned in this article are not responsible for any financial loss that may occur from investing in or trading. Please do your own research before making any financial decisions