发布: 2024/06/06 19:29 阅读: 386
Chinese College Student Sentenced for Cryptocurrency Fraud
The sentencing of Yang Qichao, a student at Zhejiang University in China, has ignited a legal debate. In 2022, Yang issued a virtual currency token called BFF, which led to allegations of fraud and financial loss for investor Luo.
中国浙江大学学生杨启超的判决引发了一场法律辩论。 2022年,杨发行了名为BFF的虚拟货币代币,导致投资者罗某被指控欺诈并造成经济损失。
Background of the Case
In May 2022, Yang created the BFF token on the BNB public chain, providing liquidity in BSC-USD and BFF. Shortly after its launch, Luo purchased 85,316.72 BFF tokens for 50,000 BSC-USD. However, within 24 seconds, Yang withdrew the liquidity in the BSC-USD pair and an additional 507K BFF coins, resulting in a loss for Luo.
2022年5月,Yang在BNB公链上创建了BFF代币,提供BSC-USD和BFF的流动性。上线后不久,Luo 以 50,000 BSC-USD 购买了 85,316.72 BFF 代币。然而,24秒之内,Yang就撤回了BSC-USD货币对的流动性,并额外撤回了507K BFF币,导致Luo遭受损失。
Legal Defense and Sentencing
Yang was initially sentenced to 4.5 years in prison and fined 30,000 Yuan on February 20, 2024, for fraud. A second trial was held on May 24, 2024.
2024年2月20日,杨某因诈骗罪最初被判处有期徒刑4.5年,并处罚金人民币3万元。 2024年5月24日进行了二审。
The defense cited a 2017 Chinese regulatory law that prohibits token issuance in China, arguing that the issuance of Yang's BFF token was illegal and that any financial risks should be borne by investors themselves.
Additionally, the defense claimed that the BFF coin was not a 'fake' currency, as there were other virtual currencies with the same name but different contract addresses. They also disputed Luo's claim of financial loss, stating that he had realized profits through trading the tokens.
此外,辩方声称 BFF 币不是“假”货币,因为还有其他同名但合约地址不同的虚拟货币。他们还对罗的经济损失主张提出异议,称他通过交易代币实现了利润。
The legal debate surrounding Yang Qichao's case centers on the interpretation of China's regulatory laws and the nature of virtual currency transactions. The outcome of the case could have implications for future cryptocurrency regulations in the country.