发布: 2024/07/20 13:26 阅读: 794
Dogecoin's Bullish Post-Halving Outlook
Dogecoin (DOGE) is poised for a significant upward trajectory, based on historical price data following Bitcoin (BTC) halving events.
根据比特币 (BTC) 减半事件后的历史价格数据,狗狗币 (DOGE) 有望大幅上涨。
In the past, DOGE has benefited from BTC halving cycles, which have led to delayed price spikes. After the 2016 BTC halving, DOGE soared 43 times its pre-halving value. Similarly, the 2020 halving fueled DOGE's surge to its all-time peak of $0.7316.
过去,DOGE 受益于 BTC 减半周期,导致价格飙升延迟。 2016 年 BTC 减半后,DOGE 飙升至减半前的 43 倍。同样,2020 年减半推动 DOGE 飙升至 0.7316 美元的历史峰值。
Following the recent BTC halving on April 20, 2024, technical analysts predict a similar price surge for DOGE. The coin's technical pattern suggests a potential rally to $1.10.
继 2024 年 4 月 20 日 BTC 减半之后,技术分析师预测 DOGE 的价格也会出现类似的飙升。该代币的技术模式表明其可能上涨至 1.10 美元。
Moreover, large investors remain bullish on DOGE, as evidenced by the recent purchase of 60 million tokens by whales. However, derivatives markets indicate cautious sentiment, with speculators opting for short positions.
此外,大型投资者仍然看好 DOGE,最近鲸鱼购买了 6000 万枚代币就证明了这一点。然而,衍生品市场表现出谨慎情绪,投机者选择空头头寸。
Despite the bearishness in derivatives markets, Dogecoin's strong market liquidity and top-10 market cap ranking support its long-term prospects. With a daily issuance rate of 14.4 million DOGE, the coin maintains its position as a prominent contender in the cryptocurrency space.
尽管衍生品市场看跌,但狗狗币强劲的市场流动性和前十的市值排名支撑了其长期前景。 DOGE 的日发行量为 1440 万枚,保持着加密货币领域的重要竞争者地位。