首页 > 资讯新闻 > 增长最快的加密货币 ICO Pepe Unchained 突破 300 万美元 - Frog Meme Coin 拥有自己的区块链

Fastest Growing Crypto ICO Pepe Unchained Hits $3 Million - The Frog Meme Coin Gets Its Own Blockchain

增长最快的加密货币 ICO Pepe Unchained 突破 300 万美元 - Frog Meme Coin 拥有自己的区块链

发布: 2024/07/11 13:15 阅读: 291

增长最快的加密货币 ICO Pepe Unchained 突破 300 万美元 - Frog Meme Coin 拥有自己的区块链

Pepe Unchained: One of the Fastest Growing ICO Cryptos

Pepe Unchained:增长最快的 ICO 加密货币之一

The rapidly growing cryptocurrency Pepe Unchained (PEPU) has surpassed a significant milestone.

快速增长的加密货币 Pepe Unchained (PEPU) 已经超越了一个重要的里程碑。

Within the first weeks of its ICO presale, PEPU has raised over $3 million. Experts predict that Pepe Unchained may exhibit a strong correlation to Pepe, with some even hailing it as a promising alternative.

在 ICO 预售的最初几周内,PEPU 已筹集了超过 300 万美元。专家预测,《Pepe Unchained》可能与 Pepe 表现出很强的相关性,有些人甚至称赞它是一个有前途的替代品。

Introducing Pepe Unchained


Pepe Unchained is a novel alternative to the popular PEPE coin, featuring its own Layer-2 blockchain. This blockchain boasts compatibility with Ethereum, enabling swift bridging between PEPU and ETH. It also promises lower trading costs, expedited transactions, and substantial staking rewards.

Pepe Unchained 是流行的 PEPE 硬币的新颖替代品,具有自己的第 2 层区块链。该区块链与以太坊兼容,可在 PEPU 和 ETH 之间快速桥接。它还承诺降低交易成本、加快交易速度和丰厚的质押奖励。

The adoption of a native L2 blockchain has garnered significant investor attention due to its rarity. If PEPU achieves success, it could potentially set a new standard.

由于其稀有性,原生 L2 区块链的采用引起了投资者的广泛关注。如果 PEPU 取得成功,它可能会树立一个新标准。

Due to excessive traffic on the Ethereum blockchain, network throughput is compromised, leading to increased costs and transaction delays. Even prominent L2 chains like Arbitrum and Optimism experience congestion.

由于以太坊区块链上的流量过多,网络吞吐量受到影响,导致成本增加和交易延迟。即使像 Arbitrum 和 Optimism 这样著名的 L2 链也会遇到拥堵。

This congestion hinders retail investors from participating in new meme coin trading due to prohibitive costs. Consequently, PEPE imitations like Pepe 2.0, PepeFork, and PepeCoin struggle to sustain rallies because of limited retail involvement, often沦为鲸鱼的炒作和抛售工具.

This congestion hinders retail investors from participating in new meme coin trading due to prohibitive costs. Consequently, PEPE imitations like Pepe 2.0, PepeFork, and PepeCoin struggle to sustain rallies because of limited retail involvement, often沦为鲸鱼的炒作和抛售工具.

In contrast, meme coins on Solana and Base enjoy considerable retail investment. Pepe Unchained's Layer-2 blockchain will grant it similar advantages.

相比之下,Solana 和 Base 上的 meme 币享有可观的散户投资。 Pepe Unchained 的 Layer-2 区块链将赋予其类似的优势。

As mentioned previously, the PEPE staking protocol offers generous staking rewards, another appealing factor for retailers. Stakers currently receive rewards exceeding 600%.

如前所述,PEPE 质押协议提供丰厚的质押奖励,这是对零售商的另一个吸引力因素。目前,质押者获得的奖励超过 600%。

Pepe-Themed Tokens Poised for Bull Market Dominance

Pepe 主题代币有望在牛市中占据主导地位

A significant altcoin bull rally is anticipated, assuming Bitcoin maintains its strength. Ethereum spot ETFs are slated to commence trading in mid-July, with experts projecting Ethereum to lead the second phase of the bull market, fueled by ETF-based institutional investments.

假设比特币保持强势,预计山寨币将出现大幅牛市反弹。以太坊现货 ETF 预计于 7 月中旬开始交易,专家预测,在基于 ETF 的机构投资的推动下,以太坊将引领牛市的第二阶段。

Unsurprisingly, analysts are also optimistic about Ethereum-based meme coins like Pepe and FLOKI. Pepe has served as a beta proxy for ETH in recent months and is expected to continue this role in the future.

不出所料,分析师也对 Pepe 和 FLOKI 等基于以太坊的 meme 币持乐观态度。近几个月来,Pepe 一直担任 ETH 的 Beta 代理,预计未来将继续担任这一角色。

It is plausible that PEPE may reach new all-time highs in August. Some analysts predict it could surpass Shiba Inu and potentially Dogecoin this year.

PEPE 有可能在 8 月份创下历史新高。一些分析师预测它今年可能会超越柴犬和狗狗币。

Pepe's bullish momentum is expected to positively impact other Pepe the Frog-themed meme coins. PeiPei, also known as the Chinese Pepe, has surge, over 40% today and has experienced a 6x increase in less than a month.

佩佩的看涨势头预计将对其他以佩佩青蛙为主题的模因硬币产生积极影响。 PeiPei,也被称为中国佩佩,今天的涨幅超过40%,不到一个月的时间就增长了6倍。

Experts are confident that PEPU can deliver comparable returns post-launch. For example, the popular crypto YouTube channel 99Bitcoins, with over 700k subscribers, recently highlighted its impressive presale performance, hinting at the potential for 100x returns.

专家们相信,PEPU 能够在推出后带来可比的回报。例如,拥有超过 70 万订阅者的流行加密 YouTube 频道 99Bitcoins 最近强调了其令人印象深刻的预售表现,暗示了 100 倍回报的潜力。

Analyst Austin Hilton, with over 270k YouTube subscribers, has also suggested the potential for 100x returns from this rapidly growing cryptocurrency.

拥有超过 27 万 YouTube 订阅者的分析师奥斯汀·希尔顿 (Austin Hilton) 也表示,这种快速增长的加密货币有可能带来 100 倍的回报。

Interested buyers can visit the Pepe Unchained website to purchase the meme coin using an over-the-counter widget that supports ETH, BNB, USDT, or bank cards.

有兴趣的买家可以访问 Pepe Unchained 网站,使用支持 ETH、BNB、USDT 或银行卡的场外小部件购买 meme 币。

Investors are encouraged to follow PEPU's Twitter and Telegram accounts for the latest updates.

我们鼓励投资者关注 PEPU 的 Twitter 和 Telegram 帐户以获取最新动态。

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