发布: 2024/08/26 18:39 阅读: 774
The arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov by French authorities has sparked controversy within the crypto industry. Industry leaders are calling for Durov's release, expressing concerns about the implications for digital freedom.
Telegram 创始人 Pavel Durov 被法国当局逮捕,引发了加密行业内的争议。行业领袖呼吁释放杜罗夫,表达了对数字自由影响的担忧。
Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, emphasized the importance of open source software and formal verification of security to protect digital freedom. He criticized Telegram's past encryption practices, but sees Durov's arrest as a threat to software and communication freedom in Europe.
以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 强调了开源软件和形式化安全验证对于保护数字自由的重要性。他批评 Telegram 过去的加密做法,但认为杜罗夫的被捕对欧洲的软件和通信自由构成了威胁。
Justin Sun, founder of TRON, proposed the creation of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) to support Durov's legal defense. He pledged $1 million to the initiative, calling for the crypto community to unite under the #FreePavel banner.
TRON创始人孙宇晨提议创建一个去中心化自治组织(DAO)来支持杜罗夫的法律辩护。他承诺为该倡议提供 100 万美元,呼吁加密社区在#FreePavel 旗帜下团结起来。
Privacy advocate Edward Snowden condemned Durov's arrest as an infringement on fundamental human rights. He criticized French President Emmanuel Macron's use of coercive measures to access private communications.
Elon Musk, founder of X, supported Durov by tweeting #FreePavel and questioning the lack of scrutiny for other tech leaders like Meta's Mark Zuckerberg.
X 创始人埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 在推特上支持杜罗夫#FreePavel,并质疑对 Meta 的马克·扎克伯格等其他科技领袖缺乏审查。
The arrest of Pavel Durov has sparked broader debates about digital freedom and privacy. The #FreePavel campaign demonstrates the solidarity within the crypto community against perceived threats to fundamental freedoms.
帕维尔·杜罗夫 (Pavel Durov) 的被捕引发了有关数字自由和隐私的更广泛辩论。 #FreePavel 活动展示了加密社区内部的团结,反对对基本自由的威胁。