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Telegram Users Boost DOGS Meme Coin Growth

Telegram 用户推动 DOGS Meme 代币增长

发布: 2024/08/27 03:39 阅读: 773

Telegram 用户推动 DOGS Meme 代币增长

Telegram Users Drive the Surge of DOGS Meme Coin

Telegram 用户推动 DOGS Meme 币激增

The TON-based meme coin, DOGS, has experienced remarkable growth, largely attributed to the support of Telegram users. Inspired by Telegram co-founder Pavel Durov's "Spotty" meme, DOGS has garnered over 50 million community members.

基于 TON 的模因币 DOGS 经历了显着的增长,这很大程度上归功于 Telegram 用户的支持。受到 Telegram 联合创始人 Pavel Durov 的“Spotty”表情包的启发,DOGS 已经拥有超过 5000 万社区成员。

What is DOGS Coin?


DOGS is a meme coin on The Open Network (TON) that distributed airdrops on August 26. Fueled by Telegram's new "mini applications" feature, the coin rapidly expanded its user base. Airdrop distributions ranged from 5,000 to 10,000 DOGS based on app registration dates. Additional tokens can be acquired through future reward mechanisms.

DOGS 是开放网络 (TON) 上的一种迷因币,于 8 月 26 日分发空投。在 Telegram 新的“迷你应用程序”功能的推动下,该币迅速扩大了其用户群。根据应用程序注册日期,空投分发范围为 5,000 至 10,000 只狗。可以通过未来的奖励机制获得额外的代币。

How Did DOGS Gain Popularity?


As the first prominent meme coin in the TON ecosystem, DOGS gained significant traction within two months. Utilizing a task and reward system, it incentivizes community involvement while providing tokens. Despite lacking a comprehensive roadmap, characteristic of meme coins, DOGS' growth relies on the effectiveness of its reward strategies.

作为 TON 生态系统中第一个著名的模因币,DOGS 在两个月内获得了巨大的关注。它利用任务和奖励系统,在提供代币的同时激励社区参与。尽管缺乏全面的路线图(模因币的特征),但 DOGS 的增长依赖于其奖励策略的有效性。

Investor Insights


  • Telegram's extensive user base has played a crucial role in DOGS' rapid expansion.
  • The DOGS team has received strong support from the TON Coin team, indicating confidence in the project.
  • DOGS' airdrop served as a stress test for the TON network, demonstrating its resilience.
  • The similarity of the name to Dogecoin may enhance its appeal and value.
  • With almost 94% of the total supply in circulation, large unlocks are less likely to impact price stability.

DOGS Token Economy

Telegram 广泛的用户基础对 DOGS 的快速扩张起到了至关重要的作用。DOGS 团队得到了 TON Coin 团队的大力支持,表明了对项目的信心。DOGS 的空投对 TON 网络进行了压力测试,展示了其韧性. 名称与狗狗币的相似性可能会增强其吸引力和价值。 流通总量的近 94%,大量解锁不太可能影响价格稳定。 DOGS 代币经济

The DOGS token economy is notable. The community received a majority of the initial supply, with the team's allocation distributed gradually over a year. Marketing holds a substantial share, second only to the community distribution. Nearly all of the 550 billion maximum supply was released on day one, minimizing the potential for price fluctuations from large unlocks. Binance Launchpool and major exchange listings have contributed to the project's credibility, and the price has remained stable in its early days.

DOGS 代币经济引人注目。社区获得了大部分初始供应,团队的分配在一年内逐渐分配。营销占有相当大的份额,仅次于社区分发。 5500 亿的最大供应量几乎全部在第一天就释放了,最大限度地减少了大规模释放带来的价格波动的可能性。 Binance Launchpool和主要交易所的上市为该项目的可信度做出了贡献,并且价格在早期保持稳定。

How to Acquire DOGS Coin

如何获取 DOGS 币

DOGS can be traded on Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume. Listed on Binance since August 26, 2024, it is available for trading in pairs like DOGS/USDT, DOGS/BNB, DOGS/FDUSD, and DOGS/TRY. To purchase DOGS, create a Binance account, fund it with fiat or cryptocurrency, and proceed to buy using any of the available trading pairs.

DOGS 可以在币安上进行交易,币安是全球交易量最大的加密货币交易所。自2024年8月26日起在币安上线,支持DOGS/USDT、DOGS/BNB、DOGS/FDUSD、DOGS/TRY等货币对交易。要购买 DOGS,请创建一个币安账户,用法定货币或加密货币为其提供资金,然后继续使用任何可用的交易对进行购买。

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